

How Portion Control Can Help Maintain a Healthy Weight

作者:Lorie Roffelsen, RD, CDE


As a registered dietitian, I see many patients who want to lose weight. Some want to reduce their risk for heart disease or manage disease, and 还有一些人只是想看起来不错. 不管他们想要的原因是什么 to shed pounds, maintaining a healthy body weight is a key part of living 健康的生活.

Not only does maintaining a healthy weight reduce one’s chances of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, sleep apnea and joint problems, achieving a healthy weight can help manage chronic conditions that they may already have. 例如, even a modest weight loss of 5-15% can improve blood sugar levels or lower blood pressure numbers enough to reduce the amount of or need for medication to manage conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

So, it should come as no surprise that, according to the 疾病控制中心, nearly half of adults reported trying to lose weight within the last 12个月. 对很多人来说,这意味着要控制食量.


Well, a portion is how much food you choose to eat at one time. 这是 often confused with a serving, or serving size. 关于包装食品 is the reference amount on a nutrition facts label or a standard amount 用于膳食计划信息.

For example, on a box of crackers the serving size on the nutrition facts label may be 6 crackers, so all the information on the label (calories, 钠,脂肪等.)是基于你是否吃了6块饼干. 如果你选择 eat 12 crackers at one time, that is the portion size, and equal to 2 servings of the crackers, based on the nutrition facts label.


First of all, you have to eat to live – until there’s some 神奇的营养药片,这是不容置疑的. 卡路里是 保持身体运转的燃料. 你的身体每人需要多少卡路里 一天 is based on things such as weight, age, gender, metabolism, and activity 水平和其他因素. 对…有个概念 你的 每日营养需要,参考 2015-2020年美国人膳食指南. In order to lose weight, you need to achieve a net deficit in caloric intake.

For example, say an overweight patient consumes around 2,500 calories per 一天. In order to lose one pound per week, they need a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories per week, or 500 calories per 一天. 他们可以实现 that by increasing activity (burning calories) or reducing caloric intake. The bottom line is that combining regular exercise with reducing portion sizes and caloric intake can make weight loss easier.


For those who struggle with weight, it’s easier said than done. 但 坚持和耐心是关键. 减肥不会一蹴而就, but consistency in maintaining positive lifestyle changes will lead to 减肥并保持下去.


  • 每天吃早餐. 吃早餐的人不太可能 在一天的晚些时候吃得过多.
  • It’s not necessary to avoid starches and carbs, but there are healthier versions you can focus on choosing: Whole grains such as whole wheat bread, whole grain pastas, brown rice, oatmeal and quinoa.
  • 餐馆的份量很大! 和你的同伴一起吃饭,或者 吃一半,把另一半带回家.
  • Take a walk after dinner or after meals whenever you can, instead of just 坐着或看电视.
  • 保证充足的睡眠.
  • Have healthy lower-fat, lower-sugar snack options with you at home or at work, between meal snacks should be opportunities to eat another serving of fruit or a vegetable, not a high fat or sugary “junk food.”
  • Don’t eat “distracted” in front of the television or 电脑,玩电子游戏等. 我们往往吃得更多,当我们 吃饭时分心.
  • Eat off smaller plates; you may be satisfied with a smaller portion. If we fill up a larger plate with food, we often tend to clean our plate, and ignore any cue from our body that we are already full.
  • 把盘子里一半的蔬菜做成彩色的. 这个策略确保你得到 important nutrients and fiber, and helps you fill up and feel full with 更少的卡路里.
  • Don’t keep temptations (sweets, candy, chips, nuts – whatever 你的s may be) around the home that may sabotage 你的 weight 损失的努力.
  • Keep a food diary for a week to see eating patterns and to get a handle on when, how much, and where you are actually eating.
  • 情绪经常影响我们对食物的选择. 记录吃零食的情况 you think is tied to stress or emotional eating and work on finding alternative 应对压力的方法除了吃.
  • Fad diets and losing weight too rapidly aren’t sustainable weight 损失的解决方案. Not only can they harm 你的 health in the long run, they don’t promote the lifestyle changes that lead to lasting weight loss.

How Can a Dietitian Teach Me About Portion Control?

As 我的同事指出, “a dietitian is a certified health expert who helps treat or manage conditions through specialized nutrition plans.”

When a patient is looking for help losing weight, we sit down and do a 全面的膳食评估. 这包括经历他们会 eat during a typical 一天, meals, portion sizes, and discretionary calories 远离糖果、甜点或酒精. 我们还讨论吃饭的频率 out and what types of foods are eaten away from home, as well as meal timing and eating patterns to see if that may be impacting their weight 损失的努力. And finally, we take a look at exercise frequency and the types of exercises that may help them achieve their desired weight.

Together, we craft a healthy eating plan that is customized to each patient and their individual health needs, goals, lifestyle, habits, and preferences.

在威尼斯人官网医院 营养谘询服务, not only do we teach portion control, we provide the education and resources 做出健康、长期的生活方式改变. 有了指导和支持 of our team, you can learn how to take control of 你的 health and weight 通过控制份量.
